Amplify Your Joomla Site With EasySocial 1.3.21 - Technology Portal

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Amplify Your Joomla Site With EasySocial 1.3.21

.com/blogger_img_proxy/Each new release provides more improvement and stability, EasySocial 1.3.21 is no different. We read all of our users' request, from Voice portal to our ticket/email conversation, as our main goal is to build a Joomla's social networking component for the community. You are the ones who decide what are the features. :)
Performance enhancement and optimization is also a must; and with that being said; we have enhanced some of the settings in EasySocial 1.3.21, optimized some of the PHP/CSS, and added superlative features. Here are some of the features that awaits you :

Community's Access Restriction

This is the key option for those who integrates our component with EasySocial. Imagine running a website where the plan is to have normal members have access to only EasyDiscuss/EasyBlog while premium paying members have access to EasyDiscuss/EasyBlog and EasySocial. Previously this is something which is very tricky to achieve. However, after a few days toiling on the restriction codes, we have finally built this powerful feature in this release.

The setting can be found in Components > EasySocial > Profile Types, choose any Profile Types and set 'Allow Community Access' to 'No'. This will restrict the chosen Profile Type's access to Community (though they are still able to edit their profile). Not only that, their profile won't show up in EasySocial's search results.

I personally believe that this feature can and will open up new windows of opportunity for our users to develop a creative sites.

Enhanced System Notification Setting

We know that sometimes it's annoying when you've clicked on the notification and read all of the notification that you've received; yet the counter does not reset. This new release contains the fix for this annoying "bug"; the setting to automatically mark item as read can be found under Settings > Notifications > System Notifications. .com/blogger_img_proxy/
Set it to 'Yes', and all items viewed in the notification will automatically be marked as read and the counter is reset. One annoyance, squashed like a helpless bug!

View Original Photos

Most of the sites that I knew actually resized their uploaded photos to cater to the bandwidth (and also to ensure that photos on their site loads up nicely). However, there are some of our users that needed the option to view the original photos (photo contest, anyone?). Didn't I tell you that we listen to our users' request? :)
The option to view original photo is finally available; site admin can turn on this option by logging in to the back end and navigate to Component > EasySocial > Setting > Photos.

Once this is set to 'Yes', the option to view the original photo should be available in the front end.

Those who wishes to run a photo contest social site should take advantage of this new feature, and do tell me your site's URL. I really love cool photos! :)

Customize Your Own Joomla Full Name Placeholder

On registration, the full name's placeholder always shows the default 'First Name' , 'Middle Name' , 'Last Name'. Some of our users requested for them to have the option to change these to their preferred placeholder. We've built the option to customize the placeholder via backend > Components > EasySocial > Profile Type. Customize your placeholder to these..

... and it will shows up during the registration...

Definitely something for those who wishes to truly customize their site to suits their main theme.

Bug Fixes

We've also squashed bugs, notably the EasySocial's update button on the backend and blocked user account; which is now set to automatically be logged out once they are blocked. Another squashed bug is the Skype field element showing error on user profile page. You can view the full changelog here.
This update is crucial not only for the new features listed, but also for the various bug fixes aforementioned above. You can update your EasySocial by a click of a button from your own site's dashboard (backend > Components > EasySocial > Update), or you can download from your Stack Ideas' dashboard.


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