Roku 3 finally snags an official YouTube app, support for additional models is on the way - Technology Portal


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Roku 3 finally snags an official YouTube app, support for additional models is on the way

The lack of a YouTube app has been a massive hole in the content lineup of Roku's otherwise well-rounded media streamers, but no more. YouTube just announced that Roku 3 players in the US, Canada, UK and Republic of Ireland all have access to its video streams starting today. Unfortunately, that means it doesn't apply to earlier players, but the Roku blog says additional models will get access next year -- we're checking to see if that applies only to the new 2013 lineup or older hardware also. Unofficial -- and frequently blocked -- channels to access YouTube and ways to pipe content through other apps like Plex have existed before, but the official app brings HD video, "Send to TV" pairing with your phone or tablet and the ability to sign in and access your subscribed channels directly. The app is in the channel store right now; add it to your player by clicking here.

Source: YouTube Blog, Roku Blog, Roku Channel Store

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