With the help of our MCITP study guide, you will be able to navigate the intricacies of this new program so you can earn the credentials you need to define your skill set and your role as a Server 2008 expert in the Microsoft community.
Entire IT industry has changed with the flood of new technology released since the old MCSE program was born. The new MCITP program reflects those drastic changes. Windows Server 2008 has now become the most popular exam among the industry leader.
With this growing technologies and advanced capabilities, companies around the globe already need people who are certified to run these new systems.
MCITP is a whole new series of exams and certifications for advanced technology, so you will need training that is accurate, reliable and effective.
In this section we would discuss about the pre quest and preparation of Server 2008. I would show you the different method of installation. Later I would configure the common setting which should be complete just after the installation of sever 2008. We would also discuss about lab set up on VMware so you could complete the entire practical on single pc.
First step of preparation is installation of Server 2008. Before we start installation you should get familiar with the different version of server 2008. How should you choose the appropriate version of server? Once you got familiar the different version of server 2008 we would discuss about the different approach of installation.
There are several common settings which should be done before we start configuration of server 2008. In earlier version of sever family like Server 2003, server 2000 most if these setting are done during the installation process but in Server 2008 there are done after the installation.
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