Google Play Store update to v4.5.10: changes and install tutorial - Technology Portal


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Google Play Store update to v4.5.10: changes and install tutorial

Google is busy with the updates right now. The Play Store app just got bumped to version 4.5 and has introduced a couple of really nice new features. Subtle features, but nice. We've got the APK link below and a quick guide if you've never installed an APK directly to your device before. But first I'm sure you want to know what these nice little changes are, and how many of them are there?
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The Play Store has a few nice additions in v4.5.10 / © AndroidPIT

Better review settings

Google wants your feedback. So in v4.5 the option to rate an app is emblazoned across the screen just below the essential details if you haven't already rated it. If you have rated it, your profile picture will now appear in a circle (be gone squares!) along with your rating and a convenient edit button, which allows you to change your rating, add or edit a summary or comments, and save or delete your rating entirely.
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The old version of the Play Store review and rating system: simple and blue. / © AndroidPIT/Google
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The new review and rating system: profile pic, edit and delete buttons and green! / © AndroidPIT/Google

In-app purchase alert

Probably the most useful change is a notification in the app information that informs you whether or not the app you're contemplating installing is going to start bombarding you with in-app purchases. While they are easy enough to dodge as it is, some people will appreciate the information being delivered up front. The notification appears just above the file size, where the last updated date used to be (and still is for apps without in-app purchases). It's not particularly elegant to no longer know when an app was last updated if it has in-app purchases, but at least Google is trying.
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If an an includes in-app purchases, the new Play Store will inform you (left). You can also see how obvious the ''rate this app'' feature is, and the new Google+ profile linking option (right). / © AndroidPIT/Google

Google+ Activity Feed

If you so choose, everything you do on the Play Store can now be linked to your Google+ profile, so whenever you +1 or rate an app, it will appear in a nice little Play Store micro profile that links to your full sized Google+ profile. When people you know rate and comment on Play Store content, their recommendations will become much more apparent, helping you make better choices based on the feedback of your friends and circles.

Install the Google Play Store v4.5.10 APK

1. First go into your device's Settings menu, enter your Security settings and tick the box for ''Allow Unknown Sources''.
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You need to allow 'Unknown Sources' to download APKs. / © AndroidPIT/Google
2. Download the APK from one of the following links: Download #1 or Download #2
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This is the screen you'll see on the first download link above. Click that big green arrow. / © AndroidPIT/Google
3. Open the downloaded APK (run a scan on it first if you wish). If you saved the APK on your phone, open it (if you saved it onto your computer, transfer the APK to your phone via a USB cable and then open it).
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It's always a good idea to scan an APK before installing it. / © AndroidPIT/Google
4. The update requires no new permissions, so just hit ''Install'' and wait for the app to do its thing. Once it's finished, open it up and check out the changes to the Play Store. Don't forget to go back into your device's Security settings and uncheck ''Unknown Sources'' (if you want to).
How do you like these little changes to the Play Store? Do you appreciate the imporvements?
Via: Android Police

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