Call of Duty: Ghosts Reportedly suffering frame rate drops on PlayStation 4 - Technology Portal


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Call of Duty: Ghosts Reportedly suffering frame rate drops on PlayStation 4


The PlayStation 4 quickly became an internet darling when it was announced earlier this year, but that wasn’t only because of the extreme DRM the Xbox One was initially announced with. The PS4 was also running speedier hardware that should allow it to outperform the Xbox One as the next generation of games unfolds. It’s not off to a great start, though. Early reviews of the new Call of Duty: Ghosts complain that framerates regularly drop on the PS4.
It seems that when the effects ramp up or there are a lot of detailed objects on the screen, the PS4 version of the game starts crawling along. This even happens in the titles multiplayer mode, which could result in missed kills. Flagship first-person shooters on consoles are usually tuned to maintain 60 fps no matter the situation, so this will catch many gamers by surprise if the PS4 version can’t be cleaned up.
Sony’s console is rendering the CoD: Ghosts at full 1080p resolution, but the Xbox One and Wii U are both pulling back a bit to just 720p. Mark Rubin, head of developer Infinity Ward has said the way memory is managed in the consoles affected the decision to go with 1080p only on the PS4. Perhaps they were a little too ambitious? It isn’t clear if the problem with the final product stems from the PS4 itself, or simply the way the game was designed.
The PlayStation 4 is hitting shelves in North America on November 15th, so both Sony and Infinity Ward have time to figure out the cause before consumers encounter the slowdowns. Perhaps some out-of-the-box software upgrades will be awaiting anxious gamers.

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