How to punch down a Cat5e/Cat6 keystone
jack, step-by-step instructions. I took a bunch of pictures along the
way to better explain the process, and to let you see just what it
should look like. If you want to see the process of punching down a
Cat5e or Cat6 jack on video, scroll to the bottom of this post. To get
started, let's take a look at what tools you will need:
Electricians Scissors (regular household scissors will work also)
Wire Stripper (you can use electricians scissors if you don't have any wire strippers)
Punch Down Tool with 110 Blade
Punch Down Palm Tool (optional)
Now that we have all the tools, let's punch down some keystone jacks.
strip off at least 1 inch of jacket on your Cat5e/Cat6 cable. Make sure
not to cut into the wires. If you do, you'll need to start over. This
picture shows what the two cables look like side by side. The Cat6 cable
is larger (bottom) due to the separator between the pairs.
Cut off the ripcord
If you using Cat6 cable, it should have a separator. Cut that off as well. Simply pull the 4 pairs of wire back and cut it off
Now were ready to lace up the
wires on the keystone jack. This style of jack is very user friendly and
great for beginners or professional installers. You can see 110s are in
a single row and that they are pointed, making it easier to lace the
wires down
Let's go ahead and wire these keystone jacks following the 568b Wiring Diagram
can see the keystone jack has the color code for 568A and 568B on the
jack. They are very similar, but 568B is most commonly used nowadays.
Once you have the wires laced in correctly, set your keystone jack in a jack palm tool. If you don't have one of these available, you can punch the jack down on the ground or a desk, but I suggest putting a piece of cardboard down to prevent the jack from slipping out when you punch them down. I would strongly suggest AGAINST using your hand to punch down jacks without the use of this tool. The jack can slip out and the tool will cut right through your hand. Not a pretty site
Now, take your punch tool and find the side that says "CUT". You want to make sure the tool faces the correct way, or you'll cut the wrong side of the wires off. This is how your tool should look when punching down the jack. Notice the pointy tip on the left side of the 110s
A close up view of the 110 blade shows this better
Repeat with the other 3 pairs of wires and you have a completed keystone jack. It will look like this. Note how the jacket is very close to the jack. You want to make sure you keep it as close as possible.
Here is a picture or the WRONG way. The cable jacket is stripped too far back, exposing more than 1/2" of the wires
Lastly, press the clear dust cover on your jack and your DONE
Now let's watch it on video
Thanks for spending your precious time in sharing such a useful guide... I really appreciate it....