The motherboard is the computer's main electronic circuit board to which all the other components of your computer are connected. More than any other component, the motherboard is the computer. All other components attach to the motherboard.The major components on the motherboard include the processor (or CPU), supporting circuitry called the chipset, memory, expansion slots, a standard IDE hard drive controller, and input/output (I/O) ports for devices such as keyboards, mice, and printers. Some motherboards also include additional built-in features such as a graphics adapter, SCSI disk controller, or a network interface.
The processor, or CPU, is the brain of the computer. Although the processor isn't the only component that affects overall system performance, it is the one that most people think of first when deciding what type of server to purchase. At the time of this writing, Intel had four processor models designed for use in server computers:- Itanium 2: 1.60GHz clock speed; 1–2 processor cores
- Xeon: 1.83–2.33GHz clock speed; 1–4 processor cores
- Pentium D: 2.66-3.6GHz clock speed; 2 processor cores
- Pentium 4: 2.4-3.6GHz clock speed; 1 processor core
The term clock speed refers to how fast
the basic clock that drives the processor's operation ticks. In theory,
the faster the clock speed, the faster the processor. However, clock
speed alone is reliable only for comparing processors within the same
family. In fact, the Itanium processors are faster than Xeon processors
at the same clock speed. The same holds true for Xeon processors
compared with Pentium D processors. That's because the newer processor
models contain more advanced circuitry than the older models, so they
can accomplish more work with each tick of the clock.
The number of processor cores also has a dramatic effect on
performance. Each processor core acts as if it's a separate processor.
Most server computers use dual-core (two processor cores) or quad-core
(four cores) chips.Memory
Don't scrimp on memory. People rarely complain about servers having too much memory. Many different types of memory are available, so you have to pick the right type of memory to match the memory supported by your motherboard. The total memory capacity of the server depends on the motherboard. Most new servers can support at least 12GB of memory, and some can handle up to 32GB.Hard drives
Most desktop computers use inexpensive hard drives called IDE drives (sometimes also called ATA). These drives are adequate for individual users, but because performance is more important for servers, another type of drive known as SCSI is usually used instead. For the best performance, use the SCSI drives along with a high-performance SCSI controller card.Recently, a new type of inexpensive drive called SATA has been appearing in desktop computers. SATA drives are also being used more and more in server computers as well due to their reliability and performance.
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